Prices valid from 14 October

Within the spa area, in the catering units, payment can only be made with card and/or a money-filled bath watch.

WARNING! From 1 October, the parking lot at the Bad Bad Square can be used according to the fees set by the decree of the General Assembly of the Municipality of Győr (17/2013 04.18). The previous discounts will cease from this date.

If you lose the watch of the spa, a surcharge of HUF 5000 will be charged.

Basic tickets

Valid for the whole area except for the Sauna World.

Ticketfrom Monday to Thursdayfrom Friday to Sunday and on Holidays
Adult ticket 4 500 HUF 6 500 HUF
Under 18 and retired 3 500 HUF 4 500 HUF
0-3 years old (registration ticket) 500 HUF 500 HUF
Family (2 adults + 1 under 18) - 14 000 HUF
Family supplement (all others under 18) - 3 600 HUF

WARNING! On Hungarian, Slovakian and Czech holidays and during the hungarian autumn/winter/spring breaks our Saturday ticket prices apply!

Hungarian holiday: march 15, may 1, june 9, august 20, october 23., november 1.,

Slovak and czech holiday: april 18, april 21, may 8, july 5-6, august 29, september 1, september 15, september 28, october 28., november 17.

Spring break: april 17-27

Sauna world

To redeem a sauna ticket, you must have a valid spa ticket. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the saunas are partially textile-free, and you can use the cabins with uncovered body and only with a sauna towel. 

TicketFull price 
Sauna Ticket (you must have a valid spa ticket on weekends) 2 500 HUF
Sauna Séance (1 time) 1 000 HUF
Sauna Séance (3 time) 2 500 HUF
Deposit of 2 sauna towels 4 000 HUF

* 2 sauna towels are provided free of charge each time you enter the sauna. The deposit is HUF 4,000, which will be refunded at the reception upon departure, if the towels are returned. The deposit is payable only in cash.

Information About Deposit Refunds

We kindly inform our valued guests that deposit refunds are available during the following times:

Please ensure that you request your deposit refund in a timely manner, as we will not be able to refund deposits after closing time.

Discounted Tickets (not valid on hungarian, czech and slovak public holidays and during autumn/winter break)

Pools combined with sauna (valid only from monday to friday, 16:00-21:00) 5 500 HUF

1 adult + maximum 3 children

(on Fridays and Sundays, with adult ticket, up to 3 children under 14 years of age 1000 ft/child)

1 000 HUF

Senior Friday! Valid for 4 hours on Fridays between 10:00-14:00.

3 000 HUF
*The Friday senior discount ticket is valid for 4 hours only, between 10:00-14:00. If the guest exceeds the time limit, an additional fee of HUF 1500 is payable. 

Additional service

Wellness massage - 50 minutes  8 500 HUF

Wellness massage appointments can be booked at the wellness reception next to the sauna or by e-mailing The wellness massage is available with a valid spa ticket. 

Ticket prices are valid from October 14, 2024 until withdrawn!

Our group discount is only valid with prior reservation: over 20 persons 10% discount and + 1 person free of charge. To register, please send an e-mail to! 

Other informations